Want to be a SOT Student Club President?

Want to be a SOT Student Club President?

Become a University SOT Student President of SOTO Australasia!

At SOTO Australasia, we invite students to join our professional community to become an active and integral part in fostering awareness of SOT at your university and within your student peer group.

As Student President, you also have one on one opportunities to liaise and network within the organisation and with other SOT practitioners that assist you in building essential skills to prepare you for practice.

One of the key responsibilities as Student President is to continue to foster awareness of SOT within the university environment and among your fellow students.

As a SOTO Australasia student club president, we reward you for the important role you play:
  • Full Sponsorship for the SOT Seminar Series during your Presidential year (valued at $1850)
  • Direct access to Australia’s leading SOT practitioners
  • Mentoring and observing in practice
  • Complimentary attendance at the Transition to Practice Workshops
How do I become a student club president?

To qualify for eligibility, you must be enrolled and studying chiropractic in your 3rd, 4th or 5th year of study. during your presidential year.

S.O.T Student Club President Role & Responsibilities

These areas are detailed in the following;

  • Attend all three (3) sessions of the Seminar Series in the year of rein - Categories, CMRT, Cranial.
  • Organise and co-ordinate an introductory talk to the students with a board nominated SOT practitioner prior to the start of annual SOT seminar series in your state, plus follow up sessions after the series where students can further develop their SOT skills.
    • Experienced SOT practitioners and board members will assist and oversee these.
  • To create a continual and healthy line of communication with the student body.
  • To actively generate an interest in SOT at the student level.
  • To actively liaise with the board appointed student representative and update them with your efforts and progress.
  • The president must also be a Student SOT member.

If you are interested in the position as SOT president, please fill in the application form following and, submit.

How to apply.
  • Complete the application form and questions .
  • The questions on the Application page should be answered in your own words. Please note - There are no wrong answers!
Application process

All applications will be submitted for the board to discuss. Successfull applicants will be advised by email and contacted with a SOT University starter pack.



Student President Application Form


One of the best aspects of being a SOT Club President is the mentorship I have received from leading SOT practitioners who are so willing to share their knowledge and experience. For me, the whole experience has really encouraged a growth mindset and enabled my own leadership capabilities’

Ash Jones WA Student President



Below the belt:
Pelvic Health for EVERY-BODY!

Fri 25th Oct 2.30pm -Sat 26th Oct 6.00pm
Playford, Adelaide