

SOT Basics Seminar Series

Our SOT Basic Series is over 3 weekends, covering all the ground level work of Major DeJarnette.This will give any chiropractor an excellent foundation of how to apply and use SOT successfully. 

Full Basic Seminar Series consists of Categories, CMRT and Cranial.

Pre-requisites - Categories no prerequisites required, however Categories must have of been attended prior to attending either the C.M.R.T or the Cranial sessions.

Advanced Modules

Once a year on a rotational basis we deliver an advanced module, these modules consist of 

  • The temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Cranial Suturals
  • Intra-Orals
  • Cranial Specifics & Non-Specifics.
  • Bloodless Surgery (Advanced CMRT).

At times there may also be additional advanced modules in Craniofacial Developments (tongue tie) and Craniodental work, Dural releases, Extremities and paediatric techniques.

Next Scheduled Advanced Module - Intra Orals

Date - 16 September 2023

Annual Convention

Annually in November we invite special guest speakers to present. Annual Convention is generally held in conjunction with the AGM.

Please see our news section for a historical listing of previous conventions.


Annual General Meeting

Each year, in the last quarter of the year (October – December) we hold our Annual General Meeting, all members are invited to attend. The purpose of an AGM is to present members an annual report on the our activities and finances for the previous financial year, the meeting allows time for members to ask questions, and to elect members of SOTO Australasia’s board.