

Complimentary SOT Student Membership

Since its establishment in 1974, SOTO Australasia has been effectively promoting and teaching SOT (and its related disciplines) to industry leading Chiropractic practitioners.

Being a member brings a range of benefits and opportunities, as well as supporting your governing body to maintain and promote the Sacro Occipital Technic.

We understand the financial challenges that can be all part of the experience while studying at university, so while a student we welcome you to be part of the dynamic SOTO Australasia community - Complimentary.

Being a SOT Student member, we offer a great range of discounts and want to welcome you as an important member of our wider chiropractic community.
Student Membership Benefits

  • SOT Student nights -
  • Professional Development – Expand your knowledge and skills through discounted courses and events held by SOTO Australasia
  • Shop4Chiro – Purchase a wide range of quality chiropractic equipment, product and resources at a member discounted rate.
  • Jobs4Chiro – Find a new associate jobs in your area or post a listing of your own at a discounted rate.
  • Find a SOT Practitioner – FInd a SOT mentor in your area for observations or assistance in your transition into a practiec.
  • SOT Practitioner Mentoring Program – Are you new to SOT, let us connect you with a certified SOT practitioner for mentoring.
  • Regular e-newsletters and member offers- Get the news first with offers, seminar updates
  • Resources and Support – Feel supported with member only resources
  • 24/7 access to our members section – a trusted resource which includes an on- demand archive of research articles and previous newsletters.
  • Worldwide referral and benefits network – Which includes members reciprocal rights at SOTO International organsisations.
  • Research Support – your financial support of SOTO A goes towards research /clinical studies specifically in the SOT area.

Apply for SOTOA Student Membership Now


Scholarship Applications

Log in as a student member to recieve SOT Student Starter Block Set

Student Discounted Rate - $180.00 (33% student discount)

1 x pair adult blocks plus 1 x pelvic board (grey or black)

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Below the belt:
Pelvic Health for EVERY-BODY!

Fri 25th Oct 2.30pm -Sat 26th Oct 6.00pm
Playford, Adelaide