
SOT Blocks Adult (Pair)
An essential item in your SOT practice, it is impossible to achieve pelvic stability in your patients without them!
SOTO Australasia are the only [...]

SOT Pelvic Board
The pelvic board, used in conjunction with the blocks, creates a flat surface on your treatment table.Especially useful on drop [...]

Sternal Roll
Used to open the thoracic spine during prone blocking, especially in category I.
Also great for adjusting when you need something betwen you and [...]

Serola Inflatable Portable Blocks
Doctors who use the blocking techniques will easily recognize the most obvious benefit of inflatable blocks, their portability. Because they can [...]

SOT Set (1 x Adult Blocks, 1 x Pelvic Board, 1 x Sternal Roll)
Features 1 pair of adult blocks, 1 pelvic boar, 1 x Sternal [...]

Anterior Dorsal Block
This is a great product to be used to balance the cranium whilst keeping the sacrum in flexion or extension.
They were also extensively used by Dr [...]

Cranial Board
The SOT Cranial Board creates a flat, cushioned surface for cranial adjusting, can also be used for keeping the head neutral for cervical adjusting [...]

Student SOT Set (1 x Adult Blocks, 1 x Pelvic Board)
Must be a SOT student member to purchase.
Features 1 pair of adult blocks, 1 Pelvic Board Only available to [...]

Student Sternal Roll
Used to open the thoracic spine during prone blocking, especially in category I.Add a sternal roll to a student SOT starter kit.Can only be purchased [...]