25/11 Post COVID Zero Discussion - Session 2

19:00 - 20:30 every Friday Online

Event Details

Thursday 18th & 25th November 2021

7.00 pm QLD, 8.00 pm NSW

Post COVID Zero - Clinical Considerations for the next phase of the pandemic.  

A Discussion on how to prepare your practice for the next phase of pandemic and what we understand about how COVID-19 effects the body.  

Some of the key points we will cover will be

Week 1 - 18 November

  • How COVID affects cells and Immune responses.
  • Discussions on nutritional support systems
  • Learn how your CMRT might fit into supporting your patients’ body?  

Week 2 - 25 November

  • Preparation, Prevention, Response and Recovery for your team.
  • How to prepare your practice for the next phase of the pandemic
  • Antigen testing – The how, what, why and what’s next.
  • Mental health considerations in your clinic during the pandemic?
  • Q & A

Register here at https://buytickets.at/sotoaustralasia/608155

SOTO A Members: $Free, Non Members: $55.00