A recorded ZOOM discussion from 18th & 25 November 2021 on how to prepare your practice for the next phase of pandemic, what we understand about how COVID-19 effects the body and our findings on how to best to support your patients.
These links are broken down into the following sessions
Session 1
- How COVID affects cells and immune responses, and phases.
- Discussions on nutritional support systems,
- Why and how COVID affects people differently,
- How some CMRT systems might fit into supporting your patient’s body.
Session 2 -
- Preparation, Prevention, for a COVID + case
- Responses and Recovery to a COVID + case
- All you need to know about antigen testing,
- Mental Health considerations in your clinic
Also included - Appendix, PDF transcripts and references associated with sessions.
Downloadable links will be available for 1 week, and sent once weekly on a Wednesday.
This material is subject to copyright.
Retail Price: $55.00